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DPS Application/Transfer

The Licensing Act 2003 defines 'the DPS as one specified individual who has the day to day responsibility for running the Premises'. This person must hold a Personal Licence and will have been put forward by the Premises Licence holder.


By specifying the DPS in the Premises Licence, it will usually be clear who is in charge of the premises on a day to day basis. This ensures that Police officers, Fire officers or officers of the Licensing Authority can immediately identify the DPS as the person in a position of authority at any Premises selling or supplying alcohol. Any application for a Premises Licence must also include a form of consent given by the individual whom the applicant wishes to have specified in the Premises Licence as the DPS.


If at any point you need to change the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) on your Premises Licence, you must submit an application to vary the Premises Licence to specify a new individual as the DPS. Additionally, you must submit consent of the new individual that will serve as DPS.


After doing so, the police will have 14 days to object to the proposal should they feel that it would undermine the Crime Prevention objective. If the Licensing Section receives an objection, there will be a hearing with the Licensing and Regulatory Sub Committee.


You can choose to change the DPS yourself, or leave the work to us.

DPS Application is £250 - includes licensing fee(s). To get started, please contact our team.

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