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Premises License Application & Transfer

A Premises Licence legally authorises a premises to execute licensable activities. Almost any business that participates in one or more licensable activities will require a Premises Licence. This includes venues like takeaways and late night cafes. Examples of licensable activities include:

• The sale or supply of alcohol;
• The provision of regulated entertainment; and
• The provision of late night refreshments, specifically hot food or drink sold between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.

• Regulated entertainment (which refers to any entertainment provided in front of an audience for entertainment purposes of the audience. For examples: the performance of a play; the showing of a film; indoor sporting events,  including boxing or wrestling; the performance of live music; any playing of recorded music; a performance of dance; and entertainment along similar parameters (for example, a Thai night)


Generally, a Premises Licence remains valid until the Licence is revoked, suspended or surrendered. Applicants can request a time-limited Licence if they would like, otherwise there is no time limit.


Individuals aged 18 or over, business and partnerships can apply for a Premises Licence.

If you are looking for additional information or need assistance regarding the Premises Licence application, please contact us or call 0749 5995656 (Ingkarat).


** เรามีผู้เชี่ยวชาญพิเศษคนไทย (ในด้านนี้) ที่พร้อมตอบคำถาม สำหรับท่านเจ้าของและผู้ประกอบการชาวไทยทุกท่านในยูเค **


Now, when you book your Premises Licence with us, we will even process your Personal Licence for FREE.

Contact us for a free quote, today!

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