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Food Allergy Awareness

All food handlers have a legal responsibility to ensure that the food they manufacture, sell and/or serve is safe for the consumer to eat, and this is particularly true when providing food products to people with food allergies or intolerance.


This course will teach learners more about the foods that commonly trigger allergic reactions and develop your understanding of the legal responsibilities of a food handler in regards to allergen labelling and declaring which allergens are present in your food products. The course ensures that learners comply with their duties under the Food Labelling Regulations 1996 and the European Provision of Food Information to Consumers Regulation 2011, which require all food handlers to have knowledge of allergens and be able to provide allergen information for all food sold.


This course is suitable for food handlers in all types of food establishments, including catering, retail and manufacturing businesses. The course is appropriate for workers of all levels including managers and supervisors, full-time staff and part-time staff.


The course covers:

  • Introduction to Allergens – key definitions (food allergy, food intolerance, anaphylaxis), coeliac disease, gluten, the 14 named allergens, hidden allergens, symptoms of allergic reactions, symptoms of anaphylaxis and food handler responsibilities.

  • Allergens and the Law – food safety law, food labelling laws, putting the law into practice, legal penalties, legal defence and common mistakes.

  • Controlling Allergenic Contamination: Ingredients – hazard analysis, staff training, creating an allergen-free environment, food purchase and delivery, food storage and transportation.

  • Controlling Allergenic Contamination: Hygiene – personal hygiene, hand washing video, cleaning the premises, cleaning food handling equipment, food preparation, food service and emergency situations.


**สอนโดย อ. คนไทย | Costs £70 pp + Thai cooked lunch, tea and coffee provided | To see course dates, please click here.

Food Labelling

This Food Labelling training course has been designed to help Thai food business owners to understand how to label their food products legally and correctly.


The overall aim of the Food Labelling Regulations is to ensure that customers can make informed choices in relation to the food they consume, as well as to prevent any practices that may mislead the consumer. This course explains each of the food labelling requirements under the FIC Regulations, provides information on what can and cannot be said in relation to nutritional claims and health claims, explains the importance of allergen labelling and outlines the vertical regulations for specific food products.


The course covers:

  • Introduction to Food Labelling Regulations – informed choices, labelling requirements for packaged foods, labelling requirements for loose products, vertical regulations and labelling presentation.

  • The Food Labelling Regulations Explained – name of the food, allergens, durability date, QUID, list of ingredients, net quantity, special storage conditions, name and address of the food business operator, country of origin and instructions for use.

  • Nutritional Information, Claims and Traceability – nutritional information, claims, alcoholic strength and traceability.

  • Vertical Regulations: Part One – animal products, Basmati rice, cocoa and chocolate, condensed and dried milk, fat spreads, fish, fruit juice, food additives and colours, traffic light nutrition, country of origin, marketing terms, Ecolabel and voluntary declarations.

  • Vertical Regulations: Part Two – gluten, honey, jam, infant formula, meat products, milk, molluscs, olive oil, sugar and sweeteners, wine, lot marking, organic, vegetarian and vegan, bar codes and symbols.

**สอนโดย อ. คนไทย | Costs £70 pp + Thai cooked lunch, tea and coffee provided | To see course dates, please click here.

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